Tuesday July 21, 2009
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
best of
larry curtis spurlock
The following is a glossary of contents chronicling the lyrical literary works of American artist, Larry Curtis Spurlock.
It must be, immediately, pointed out that all these pieces are written sans upper case and with minimal punctuation. (Author’s preference)
The 1st piece (hope with dope) was written in 1971 in the Kitchen of 104 W. Concord Court in Sterling, Virginia. The most recent; piece # 262 (sixty) was penned just last week.
This Blog has, previously, published 52 of these works. Tuesday being desiginated amateur lyricist day while better known published pieces by other artists appear on Thursdays. In the coming weeks, more of ‘best of’ will appear for your viewing pleasure.
Be aware that these lyrics are stationed in categories as if they were songs on albums / CDs. Each volume illustrates several chapters. Each chapter depicts several albums / CDs.
Each album / CD will present lyrical Pieces intended for musical arrangement
As artistic note, the first few chapters are inadequate in composition and can be considered merely as practice.
There are two lyrical Scores in this collection written for Stage Plays.
They are: Volume I – Chapter 7 entitled baby owl blues
and Volume IV – Chapter 16 entitled baby baby: the princess flower.
Next Tuesday, this Blog will begin a 16 week odyssey publishing the works of baby baby: the princess flower.
Thank you, very kindly.
The Blogmeister
chapters 1-8
vol. 1
the beginning
castles in the sand .. 8
hope with dope
stoned love
here i sit
castles in the sand
the stupid poem
52 groups
love my baby
my woman .. (8)
untitled change .. 9
back again
the dealer
one plus one
looking back
love in ‘72
we gotta change
above love .. (17)
a year to remember .. 16
my flag - our wotld
my boy
first trip
things will be better
bye bye mama
in my mind
all you need is love
take me back to the country
strange broo
he wants to be with us
what is life
a year to remember
tribute to g.f.r .. (33)
take me back to the country .. 14
as we wind on down the road
how long will it last
i’m not afraid to die
things just ain’t the way they used to be
society’s child
i don’t feel right
birthday bong
to change my ways
me and my baby
wouldn’t it be nice
brown mountain light
take me back to the country .. (47)
leftovers are free .. 12
mind looking
my friend
boxed in
my mind is puzzled
go home
happy valentine’s day massacre
my soul
aydes of march
late .. (59)
six .. 11
can’t get you out of my head
roger’s birthday
blue-grass week-end
magic wind
my head spinning
there we go again
i don’t feel
you’re free to go
number 2
country boy .. (70)
the baby owl blues .. 22
school is cool
the dance
hard rock and country soul
sounds of the sixties
first trip
hope with dope
the dealer
wait for the gold rush
so hard
i’m not afraid to die
in my mind
number 2
country boy
take me back // .. go back to the country
threshold of life to be
late .. (92)
tribute to bluegrass .. 12
tribute to the dillards
my old lady
the 70’s
the king
on the move
depression-recession blues
bluegrass bitch
these have got to be the good old times
our red brothers
bluegrass music
stealing’s still a sin and cheating’s still a crime .. (104)
chapters 9-11
vol. II
shake up - break up - wake up
number IX: probables .. 13
blue famous writer
stoned, at the party
my destiny
i knew jesus ( before he was a superstar )
life on my own again
facing the tide
so hard to do
what am i supposed to do
and now marijuana is making me sad
can’t go home
in the life
dream on
it’s over .. (117)
assorted love songs .. 12
donna marie
i’m a heavy metal sheet metal man
lost and found ( think about it )
i don’t believe in love
a love so true
in the country
mclean just yesterday
get me a pretty little girl
dear frances
and i’m sorry if i broke you’re heart
this time
and so it goes .. (129)
spanish mission .. 11
high flying eagles
still thinking of you
and that’s when
passing days
key west episode
once in a while
love again
delta tuning
ain’t no woman
shadow of man
the cat in the hat .. (140)
single release changes .. (141)
chapters 12-13
vol. III
third warning
without warning .. 13
i can’t say goodbye
go on away
now you’re not my baby
i just can’t cry over you
this is my first and it’s for you
what am i going to do now
what about me
tiger and the jap
it’s already sunday night
post vacation blues
without warning
south carolina girl .. (154)
little jams .. 10
little jams
just for you
til i have you
long time gone
puzzled man
somebody kidnapped ouiji the dog
preseason tournament
just duet
everything’s changed
super bowl 22 .. (164)
chapters 14-17
vol. IV
1989 .. 11
old bull shooter
macho star
alarmingly alone again
this can’t last forever
two old friends
dear santa, leave my baby
woodstock revisited
yesterday’s gone
steffy’s gone
where did you go
brittny’s Christmas .. (175)
fantasy skypath .. 12
sand city skypath
fantasy football time
i don’t know
going to the keys
yellow moon
archie and suebell
do what you have to
i love her everyday
shell of the man
adolescent mysteries
elephants’ leaving .. (187)
baby baby: the princess flower .. 16
baby baby baby
wilder side
watching t.v.
what’s going on
land of jam
what am i doing here
green mean team
rain queen
slowing down again
the cool fool
the plan
like i’m coming home .. (203)
just the very one .. 12
i’m going home
gold & diamonds or just brass and glass
fire and ice
until sunday night
mexico is history
hell hath no fury like a woman scorned
our mayor
don’t blame me
winter rain
not the way it is .. (215)
chapters 18-19
vol. V
forty 5 alive
susan came and susan left .. 10
she said
your destiny
do it girl
summer friend
you gotta go away
two old ghosts
mr. poltergeist
little miss scorpio
looney toons
susan came .. (225)
harmonic family freedom .. 12
the harmonic traveler
prince herman
on a roll
glen echo
5500 years from home
pubescent parody
howard’s turn
ocean city, maryland
she’s not dead
lincoln a a 1910
spurlock family .. (237)
chapter 20-22
vol. VI
y 2 k
milliena fix .. 8
cappuccino girl
my time
you in my rearview mirror
just another bloody day in iraq .. (245)
when i’m released .. 11
when ’m released
hedrick 11
i went to key west
wendi wendi wendi
haven’t forgotten about you
beth’s magical day
raid at the herndon railroad station
can’t be happy at christmas
m.t. .. l.s. & c.e.
headfakes & handshakes .. (256)
call me .. novelist .. *6
i can’t buy this bullshit anymore
that’s what turned my red state blue
when will war be over
twittering missbeckala
moving away
sixty .. (*262)