Friday October 31, 2008
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Rolley ( Roller ) Coasters, and
Amusement Park
I’ve mentioned Glen Echo Amusement Park, all up in here, previously.
My Family used to enjoy all-day visit to Glen Echo Amusement Park in Cabin John, Maryland, every year. My Mother worked for the Marriott Corporation’s Hot Shoppe Restaurant. Every year, during the last week of Summer – Hot Shoppe allowed their Employees and their whole Familys to ride any and all of the Rides .. as much as they wanted. And we all ate a fabulous meal with Soft Drinks and Dessert. And we swam in the Crystal Pool as much as we wanted to.
Usually, these trips took place on a week-end.
Now, when I say every year – it surely seemed like it when as a kid, I went before 2nd Grade .. and before 3rd Grade .. and before 4th Grade .. and before 5th Grade .. and before 6th Grade.
There were many Rides & Attractions at Glen Echo Park; Bumper Cars, Mirror Maze, Haunted House, Carousel, Crystal Pool, Tilt-A-Whirl and first and foremost, there was a small Pink Rolley Coasters (for girls, I was told) and a big White Rolley Coaster (for us men, I remember hearing).
It was at this Venue and the White Rolley Coaster before 2nd Grade .. and before 3rd Grade that my Brother did a number on my psyche about Rolley Coasters. Let me explain that All-Day Ride Tickets used to be handled, differently. You did not have to get off .. and get back in line. All you needed to do was flash your All-Day Pass if you were on a Ride .. and you were allowed to stay in your seat.
And so, it was understood that after our Family had entered the Park, we headed for these Rolley Coasters. Not only would my Brother not let me ride the Pink Coaster – but he would flash the All-Day Pass and force me to ride the White one 6-7-8 times in a row with him.
I would scream to get off but my Brother would tell the ticket-taker that I was only kidding.
Finally, I developed a method to keep my stomach from flying right out of my body. As we ascended the 1st large incline you’d hear clickety click clickety click clickety click and right before we topped the peak, I’d grab the safety bar and with my left hand I’d push up hard from under it – and I’d grab that bar with my right hand and push down hard from over it. Then just as we’d start down I’d take a deep breath and hold it .. and grunt. And it would work.
This very ploy worked even after I grew up and visited other Amusement Parks like King’s Dominion and Ocean City, MD.
Where it did not work was in Space Mountain at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida. You see, there, the Rolley Coaster is inside .. and it’s mostly dark. So, when we go up high with the clickety click clickety click – it’s dark. So just the apex, I grab and push up .. and push down .. and hold my breath .. and grunt .. waiting for the big drop. But it’s dark and the drop is only a few feet and back up, again. So, I release and breathe in and relax .. and wham, down we drop - straight. And I was not prepared .. and nearly lost my stomach. Did I mention that it was dark. :lol:
For more information about Glen Echo (the little town)
and Glen Echo Amusement Park with some wonderful pictures from the 1800s until now
.. just ckick on --> http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=306
.. just ckick on --> http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=306
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