If you would like to view any of the 16 videos that Larry has produced, please go to:
and type in larrspur in the Search Bar.
Enjoy !
= the Blogmeister !
I am younger than Letterman but older than Fallon.
My Living Abode vacillates between Key West, Florida and Loudoun County, Virginia.
I have a 20 something daughter. Also, an 8 something cat (Stimey) and a 6+ something dog (Rascal). And 2 former spouses.
Let me say, right up front that I have a unique creative writing style. It’s not that I don’t know the Rules of Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation – it’s just that I make up my own, at times, to make my own point, clearly in my own style.
If I want to draw heavy attention to certain subject words – I’ll capitalize them .. or underline them. I use the hyphen, quite often (as you’ve seen) when a comma just doesn’t suit my expression. Also, I’ll use ( .. ) to have the Reader pause, longer, with me. And, I feel the parentheses is needed more than it’s given credit for. I have been known to capitalize an entire word, for emphasis. I may wish to have you stop and think about a point by ending a sentence with ( … ) instead of a period.
All that said - I, pretty much, do what I like !
If you would like to contact me – you may, through my Agent, at: kozmiqquick@yahoo.com