Wednesday, October 1, 2008

5500 Years From Home

Wednesday October 1, 2008
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5500 Years From Home

In addition to the 250 plus Lyrical Pieces that I have written and received Copyright Protection from the Library Of Congress - I have, also, written a Novel (copyrighted but not Published) entitled 5500 Years From Home. I am currently working on a 2nd Book entitled The Island that I am about 1/2 the way towards completion, at this date.
I have decided to, occasionally, post excerpts from
5500 Years From Home in this Blog space.
Today, we peruse the 5th page of Chapter 4 – Page 27.
Enjoy !

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chapter Four ... page 27

Silent Encounter

Back at the family’s home, Audrey had tried to explain to Janice what was happening down by the barn. It was so incomprehensible that Janice found herself compartmentalizing it and putting her thoughts and efforts towards readying the family for Christmas Eve.
There was the Smithfield Ham that she had baked, earlier, that needed to be sliced and readied for the late evening’s meal. And the red potatoes had boiled and were sitting waiting to be mashed and mixed with butter and milk. The lemonade had been put away and milk was the preference of drink for the family. And the loaf of garlic bread was ready to be taken from the oven and cooled.
The children were not told anything about the findings because there was no reason to scare them. Besides, what do you say ? No one knew exactly what was occurring anyway.
The TV was, still, on but the audio had been muted while the children were examining the presents that lay under the pine Christmas Tree that offered a sweet natural aroma that permeated the entire house.
Audrey had changed her clothes and was wearing some jeans that were more comfortable for the evening. Her mind was filled with all things Christmas .. and all things extraterrestrial. It was all that she could do to not sit down and just explode with thoughts and questions. But there were no answers until Thom and Charles returned from the crash site.
It was just then that the men entered through the side door at the Kitchen’s edge. While the children continued to play in the Family Room, Charles and Thom met with Janice and Audrey and Charles explained everything that had taken place with the EOB. While all three sat there trying to condense it all, a knock came at the front door. Janice jumped at the sound while the others only looked about. Thom went to see who was there on this Christmas Eve.

… Besides, what do you say ? ..


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