Wednesday, October 8, 2008

5500 Years From Home

Wednesday October 8, 2008
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5500 Years From Home

In addition to the 250 plus Lyrical Pieces that I have written and received Copyright Protection from the Library Of Congress - I have, also, written a Novel (copyrighted but not Published) entitled 5500 Years From Home.
I am currently working on a 2nd Book entitled The Island that I am about 1/2 the way towards completion, at this date. I have decided to, occasionally, post excerpts from
5500 Years From Home in this Blog space.
Today, we peruse the 8th page of Chapter 4 – Page 30.
Enjoy !

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chapter Four ... page 30

Silent Encounter

After dinner, Audrey and Janice cleaned up the Kitchen while the children returned to the Family Room where they played and watched a Disney Christmas Songs CD. Charles and Thom meandered around behind the house with the idea of checking on the pony and the EOB.
The original thought was to have Cyndi come down to the barn on Christmas morning but the men would have to be sure that was an achievable plan with the EOB there. After a short period of time, they were back down at the barn. When Thom entered the structure he found the pony doing quite well and had eaten the grassy hay that was put in his stall. There was no reason to go into the attic to check on the EOB and his Orb. Both men were telepathically assured that it was doing fine, recuperating in peace. The EOB, also, assured them that Cyndi would surely be able to come down to the barn on Christmas morning to see the new pony that was her main Christmas present. With everything seemingly going well, the men returned to the house. At that time, the entire family retired to the Family Room where they sang Christmas Songs.

By the time that midnight had rolled around, the kids had gone to bed and Thom had brought the Space Rocket bicycle into the Family Room and placed it beside the Christmas Tree. With everything taken care of, the adults retired to bed, as well. It wasn’t easy for any of them to fall asleep, quickly. Audrey questioned Thom about the EOB. Was it from Mars or another Planet or even outside our Solar System ? Had anything like this ever happened before and was covered up by our Government ? Or were other World leaders involved in a similar conspiracy ? Thom had no answers but many other questions haunted him, as well.

Janice and Charles were having similar concerns. Charles explained to his wife about performing the medical procedure without his instruments and how time passed in different planes.

… where they sang Christmas songs ..


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