Friday April 3, 2009
Cliff & Larry are visited by
The Lone Ranger
At their Radio Station gig
Cliff & Larry are visited by
The Lone Ranger
At their Radio Station gig
Many years ago, when Cliff Eastham & I were working as Interns at a local Radio Station – there was a promotional Feed we were doing at a local Car Dealership.
The Guest that had been commissioned as the Celebrity was Clayton Moore, the man who played The Lone Ranger for years on TV.
Now, Clayton Moore was very into this Character that he played and showed up wearing his Mask, his big white Hat and his Gun & Holster.
It was cool.
Cliff’s & my job was basic; we were there to make sure the Radio cables were connected, properly and that the Talent was okay.
After the 3 hour Promotion was concluded, we rolled up the cables – threw them in the back of Cliff’s Chrysler Pioneer Station Wagon and were ready to split.
The Car Dealership hadn’t finalized the money transfer to Clayton Moore .. so while we waited .. I talked Cliff into smoking a fatty with me out behind a tash dumpster. Cliff wasn’t much of a smoker, back then .. but I was.
Finally, after nearly everybody had left - Clayton Moore came out into the Parking Lot looking lost. He spots me & Cliff and knowing that it was our job to take care of him .. he tells us his Car hasn’t arrived and there must be a snafu.
So I ask where he needs to go .. and he tells me that it’s a Hotel a few miles away. So, stoned as we were – we offered to take him .. if he didn’t mind sitting in the back with the cables and wires, etc.
He agrees .. and off we go. Cliff lets me drive his car cause he’s high as a kite off the Michoacan. At the first Intersection we came to just outside the Car Dealership – a BMW cuts in front of us .. and whacks into Cliff ‘s old car. I doubt it hurt Cliff’s old bomb much but the other Driver doesn’t stop.
So, I holler at him .. and we started following him. He picks up speed and so do I. Then as if to try and ditch us – the BMW starts flying and turing abruptly, left and right. Me, right behind. Stoned as hell.
So, seeing he isn’t shaking me .. the BMW stops. Out steps a man with a businessman’s haircut and a dark Suit. So I get out. I tell him that he hit us and I’m going to call the Cops.
He laughed and asks who are the Cops gonna believe .. him or some longhaired, bearded hippie with ruby red eyes.
Just then, Clayton Moore, still wearing his Lone Ranger apparel .. steps out of the back of Cliff’s old Pioneer Station Wagon while wires and Radio Equipment spills out onto the pavement.
“ They’ll believe me, Citizen ! “ says Clayton Moore aka Lone Ranger in a proper and firm voice.
I swear – you should have seen that other Driver. His expression was priceless.
And he starts to talk .. and stammers for second. Then he says, very meekly,
“ Gosh, Lone Ranger – I’m sorry. I didn’t know it was you ! “
* I’m so glad to have my Memories .. as I lose my youth. *
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