Saturday, June 6, 2009


Saturday June 6, 2009


Okay okay okay.

I'm Twittering .. Tweets !

You can find me on
I am LarrySpurlock from LoCo, VA

and / or

you may be able to go directly to:

and pick up my trail.
Either way / the ball is in your court.

Now I am just beginning and I'm only following

Conan O'Brien


Larry David

but will locate some of my real peeps soon
and take it from there.

Oh, and no one is following me, yet.
Some chick named Tessa started following me
the minute I signed up .. but she soon split.
She was a SPAMMER ..
and I only eat Roast Beef.
Sorry Toots. BLNT





1 comment:

MissBeckala said...

What, you don't mention me? I know, I'm no Larry David, but at least I'm not an imposter! Jeez.